2010년 9월 11일 토요일

Middle School is 191 seventh

Middle School is 191 seventh, he is a passionate, good standard of competition American boy; good herve leger academic performance, comprehensive development of sports swimming, football, shooting, also sneak out to the local Sports Centre to learn boxing, to participate in debate groups, school bands lira cello, edit the school newspaper, subject to legal sanctions. some critics that Hemingway left home on his childhood traveling through the normal life; but in addition a number of other critics, is a symbol of his early life rebel Oak Park, reflecting the life of his family tension. his father and mother's interest in certain opposite, it has led him with a gram of reaction and hostile. Maqianlinni b Sanford big sister that he is two years, grew up with Hemingway, said his parents only the name, but also an artistically woman, her family environment decorated salon as church organizations, the culture. his father, Clarence Hemingway b b Ed're home is an excellent doctor, enthusiastic, have training of athletes, is a professional who studies nature, he caused his son's love herve leger dress for outdoor activities. summer, they live in northern Michigan lake house near Bituosiji, sometimes with his son, Dr Hemingway with visits across the lake to the Ao Jiebu China Hualong Indians to live; they often work together to fishing and hunting. they are close, although his father's self-discipline, and even more stringent Bihaimingwei wife, more Puritanism spirit. his parents of his own rough and looked at least is clear. his love of outdoor activities, as an athlete training and bravery, had never diminished. He loved music although hate school cello and Art, too, as always. He Zhen Ai Baha and Mozart, he said, learned something different. prominent creative writer, you find that those who felsonyek b Adams was the hero, the story of that period days of strong winds, . two months before he graduated from the United States entered the war. Carlos b times the Kerr wrote: not fit to fight. in October 1917, he started into Kansas City's police station, also from the Single printed: Literature principles. However, the herve leger bandage dress war more and more attractive to Hemingway, who was in May 1918 in the second half began this adventure. the first two months, he is a volunteer team in Italy when the Red Cross driver at the front only for a week.

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